Thursday, October 27, 2011

Guerilla Girls Talk

Guerilla girls were women in the 50s who mainly put together to protest war in Vietnam. They did all of the work themselves, they made phonically, and they chose a political topic, or an experience and they raised concesousness and made posters and signs about it. This is a very interesting topic, I liked learning about what the women did and who creative they got. Dressing up in gorilla costumes to make these signs. The first reason why they did this was to wear masks and the second reason was so the police cant sue someone unless they can identify them. The progress went as followed; everyone had to agree on what they wanted to put on the poster, they had to vote on it, and they would spend hours at a time trying to come up with ideas. These women would not get identified because they did such a great job hiding themselves. They finally reviled themselves so they could give talks to colleges across the country so students could learn about their past.

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